Business Strategy
Inspection for the exam winter term 2024/25
The exam inspection of the Business Strategy exam from the winter term 2024/25 takes place on April 9th, 10-11am and on April 24th, 1.30-2.30pm in room LG 4.230. Registration must be made by e-mail to until two days before the respective date. Please include the following information in your registration e-mail: name, matriculation number, and the exam inspection date that you wish to take part in. A valid student ID must be presented for inspection.
Course Program
This course focuses on selected theories, concepts and tools of strategic management. Typically, the term „strategic“ management refers to seeing the company and its environment and considering long-run decisions that affect the company as a whole. It is concerned with the totality of what a company is trying to achieve and it helps us to understand why some companies thrive while other companies struggle to survive.
The central tasks of strategic management are formulation and implementation of strategies, both at business and corporate level. At business level, the notion of competitive advantage is a central issue; at corporate level, the challenge of contributing value to businesses is crucial. The course „business strategy“ addresses the business level of strategy making.
The course uses a combination of lecture sessions and case study sessions in order to provide the analytic and conceptual foundations for making strategic decisions. The case study sessions are designed to introduce typical strategic challenges that companies face. Selected case studies are discussed in smaller groups in order to understand the company situation and to develop solutions for the respective strategic challenges. In the lecture sessions theories, concepts and tools of business strategy are discussed – both, with regard to the case studies as well as in a broader, more general context of business strategy.
Students will learn from each other in discussions and in the group situations and they will learn from the lecturer’s input and comments in the interactive plenary sessions.
Module compability
Master Management
Master International Business Studies (MIBS)
Master Wirtschaftspädagogik
Master Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
Master International Information Systems (IIS)
Master International Production Engineering and Management
Please join the StudOn course to have access to the lecture’s material and attend the first lecture to receive all relevant information. For the case study sessions, the class will be split into three separate groups. All groups meet at the same time (Wednesday 09.45), preceding the lecture sessions.
Students have to sign in for one of the three offered case study sessions on StudOn. This is possible from 23th October 2024 onwards.
Lecture „Business Strategy“
Instructor | Time, Room | Dates |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Junge | Wednesday, 11.30 – 13.00, H5 | weekly, starting October 23th, 2024 (see course program) |
Case Study Session „Business Strategy“
Instructors | Time, Room | Dates |
Franziska Schlichte
Eva Doetschel Jule Holmer |
Wednesday, 09.45 – 11.15, LG 0.222/3, 0.224 and H1 |
See course program |