Entrepreneurs and Businesses
Lecture content
The course “Entrepreneurs and businesses” aims to give first-semester students first insights into business administration on the basis of current practical business issues. Furthermore, the students are supposed to learn fundamental team and presentation skills.
For this purpose, during the lectures six different topic areas will be discussed by means of a wide variety of practical examples that are of importance to entrepreneurs and businesses (at the moment). In the tutorials those contents will be expanded upon and students will be taking a closer look from different perspectives by giving presentations about them.
In total there are seven lectures during the semester (one of the topic areas will be presented during two lectures). For each topic area there are two tutorials, which means that there are twelve tutorials in total.
Lecture „Entrepreneurs and Businesses“ in summer term 2018
Instructor | Date | Start |
Prof. Dr. Harald Hungenberg | The lecture recordings of the winter term 2017/18 are available on StudOn. |
Tutorial „Entrepreneurs and Businesses“ in summer term 2018
Instructor | Date | Start |
Annika Schäfer
Moritz Hagen |
Information about this will be sent by mail (after the registration period) to all students registered through StudOn. | |
In the summer term 2018, no lectures and exercises will be offered. All students who did not successfully complete the presentation of „Entrepreneurs and Businesses“ in the winter semester 2017/18 can do so in the summer semester of 2018. The prerequisite for this is that you study at least in the second semester. Registration will begin on 12 March 2018 at 10:00 via StudOn. Registration deadline is 22 April 2018 at 24:00. This is a general registration for the exercise or presentations – the division into each team is made by the Chair of Business Management and will be announced by mail. The presentations are expected to take place at the end of June.
Important: The registration is necessary so that you are able to provide an examination attainment for the exercise. You can find the link to StudOn here. |
Current Information
Important information |
Password for the lecture recordings |
The lecture will be provided as an additional service on StudOn. The required password is „UuU“. |
FAQs |
A collection of frequently asked questions can be found here. |
Exam |
A collection of former exams can be found here. |