Upcoming information events Master in Management:

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Dear students,

we invite you to the upcoming information events about the Master in Management, in which we talk about all relevant information about the content and admission procedure of this Master program. The dates are as follows:

Tuesday, January 23rd, 17:30, via Zoom (https://fau.zoom-x.de/j/69734801700?pwd=OGdaVG85YmZ4M3I5UHRRM0FPTHFuZz09)

Tuesday, February 27th, 17:30h, via Zoom (https://fau.zoom-x.de/j/64995484328?pwd=ZnlKdUhEcUxPdC9qclhoNUdIWDcwdz09)

We look forward to meeting you! 🙂