Corporate Strategy
Course program
This course focuses on the major challenges and problems that influence the success of “multibusiness firms/companies”. The course aims to answer the central question: “Why are some multibusiness firms successful while others struggle to survive?” Thereby the following topics will be addressed:
- Diversification and portfolio planning (forms of diversification strategies, theoretical and empirical evidence/findings about/for superiority of certain diversification strategies, characteristics of premium conglomerats/theoretical premises/assumptions of important portfolio approaches, concepts and application of value-based portfolios)
- Mergers, acquisitions and company disposals and central strategic actions/initiatives at company level (forms of corporate development, M&A, empirical findings about the success of M&A, the importance of synergies, approaches to create value out of/from M&A, the acquisition process and the importance of integration)
The first two sessions provide/teach the fundamental contents of the above aspects. In the following students work in teams on a specific topic and take current research findinds(, as well as business issues) into consideration. The results will be presented and discussed in the next/further four sessions. In this regard, the discussion will be moderated by two groups.
In addition, students need to hand in an assignment in which they discuss/argue the central implications of the topics presented (except for the topic they presented and the discussion they moderated).
For the course „Corporate Strategy“ an application is required. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 48 students. Students can apply for the course from 12 March 2018 up to and including 26 March 2018. The application (CV and grade transcript) must be sent to with the subject „Bewerbung CS“. You will get feedback until 29 March 2018
—————————————————– UPDATE —————————————————————-
There a still a few places available for the seminar Corporate Strategy. For this reason, a second round of applications will take place. Students who want to attend the course can apply until 12 April 2018. The application (CV and grade transcript) must be sent to with the subject „Bewerbung CS II“.